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Job ID: 253403

ICC Specialist for Ethics and Civics in a Multicultural World
Nanyang Technological University

Date Posted Feb. 18, 2025
Title ICC Specialist for Ethics and Civics in a Multicultural World
University Nanyang Technological University
Singapore, Singapore
Department Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Office
Application Deadline Apr. 30, 2025
Position Start Date Available immediately
  • Lecturer/Instructor
  • Environmental Sciences/Ecology/Forestry

Young and research intensive, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is ranked among the world’s top universities.

The Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Office at NTU Singapore oversees new curricula focusing on key transferable skills and global challenges using interdisciplinary approaches to learning. The rapidly changing nature of work, compounded by the relentless speed of innovation, necessitates that our graduates constantly acquire new knowledge and competencies, and adapt to several career changes over their lifetimes. As forward-looking educators, we are in continual pursuit of providing a holistic education grounded in future-ready skills which will prepare our graduates for lifelong learning and global citizenship.

Such an education needs to transcend the traditional boundaries of disciplines to address the nexus between theoretical and practical learning; “hard skills” and “soft skills”; and core curriculum and co-curriculum. Hence, NTU launched a new curriculum structure in 2021 to address these needs, featuring a range of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Courses.

The Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Office invites applications for a Specialist/ Senior Specialist position for a course titled Ethics and Civics in a Multicultural Worldat Nanyang Technological University.


This course aims to equip students with the necessary philosophical foundations to understand theories of ethics and subsequently apply those theories to real-life scenarios and issues. It also aims to enable students to understand and critically assess the civic institutions that structure their local and global communities. To these ends, the course will examine the nature of ethics, its understanding across different cultures, and how it is manifested in concepts, social structures, and governance institutions. Topics to be explored include human rights, democracy, freedom of speech and inequality. The rights and duties of citizenship shall be a unifying theme. Students will think through assumptions they hold on all these matters. They will be provided with the tools to understand various and even contradictory perspectives on these important issues. There will be a substantial amount of time devoted toward understanding Singapore’s own institutions and ideologies, which are of course products specific to the country’s own unique historical and geo-political circumstances. Students will have better appreciation of the country’s institutions after reading the module.


The hired Specialist/ Senior Specialist will have the following responsibilities:

  • Teaching and Facilitation: Conduct all teaching assignments through both face-to-face and virtual delivery, ensuring effective engagement and learning.
  • Course Planning and Development: Develop instructional plans (course outlines/syllabi) that meet university standards, while continuously designing, refining, and improving lesson plans, activities, assignments, and rubrics to enhance student learning.
  • Student Engagement: Foster active class discussions and ensure high levels of student participation and engagement throughout the course.
  • Course Administration and Coordination: Manage administrative tasks, including course evaluation, maintaining attendance records, updating online course materials, and providing academic counselling to support student progress. When called upon to serve as a Course Coordinator, the responsibilities include leading the course and overseeing all course level administrative and policy matters to ensure the smooth running of the course. Course Coordinators are also expected to work closely and collaboratively with other instructors and relevant stakeholders.
  • Assessment and Feedback: Conduct assessments, grade assignments, provide timely feedback, and address student consultations on both academic and non-academic matters.
  • Resource Development: Create and maintain course materials and learning resources to support and enhance student learning experiences.
  • Progress Monitoring and Reporting: Provide regular updates on course performance and student progress for reporting and strategic planning purposes.
  • Team Collaboration: To collaborate with other staff and faculty to maintain a positive and supportive environment for all stakeholders.
  • Professional Conduct: Uphold values of integrity, care, respect, impact, service and partnership in all activities undertaken for, or on behalf of, NTU.
  • Other Duties: Perform additional responsibilities as assigned.


Personal Attributes

Candidates should possess the following attributes:

  • Modeling curiosity and a passion for knowledge to inspire students and a willingness to embrace new technologies and innovative approaches.
  • Ability to develop engaging and interactive learning experiences and to find new ways to relate concepts to real-world applications.
  • Strong communication skills with the ability to clearly explain complex concepts and instructions.
  • Skilled in active listening to understand student perspectives and concerns.
  • Have the capacity to encourage students to think deeply and critically about course material and to guide them through problem-solving and complex discussions.
  • Ability to work with students as partners in the learning process and to encourage peer collaboration and group activities in class.
  • Skilled in leading discussions and guiding group activities without dominating them to encourage active participation, questioning, and dialogue among students.
  • Ability to design and manage class schedules, pre-class materials, and in-class activities and to keep track of student progress and providing timely feedback.
  • Familiarity with learning management systems, video platforms, and collaboration tools.
  • Committed to continuous improvement in teaching practices.



Candidates with the following qualifications are encouraged to apply:

  • Masters or PhD training in philosophy or political science or related fields.
  • Teaching and mentoring experience. Experience with team teaching is preferred.
  • Interest and/or proficiency in technology-enhanced learning (e.g., developing online learning activities and assessments, creating lectures to be streamed online).
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • A demonstrated potential for scholarship is an advantage.
  • This position is best suited for those with prior relevant experience.



Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package.


Application Procedure

The closing date for applications is 30 April 2025. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Applicants are invited to submit their applications (cover letter, CV, research and teaching statements, and Google Scholar citation report if available).

Please reference in your cover letter when
applying for or inquiring about this job announcement.

Contact Information

  • Ng Soke San
    NTU Shared Services (HR Faculty)
    Nanyang Technological University


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