Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Tom Cribb

  • Associate Professor
  • Tom Cribb
  • School of Biological Sciences
  • http://www.biology.uq.edu.au/profile.php?action=search
  • University of Queensland
  • Brisbane Queensland 4072
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Y research focuses on helminths parasitic in Australian animals. Within this large field I focus on one major group of parasites, the trematodes, and one major group of hosts, the teleost fishes. The work has two major themes: diversity and evolution. The first part of my work relates to the task of describing the fauna of Australian trematodes, especially in marine fishes where this group is at its most diverse. This work involves the systematic sampling of Australian fishes for their trematodes. The work ramifies into many areas - taxonomy, systematics, life-cycles, ecology and biogeography. My work is assuming an increasingly international flavour as, with British and French colleagues, I am exploring patterns of parasite diversity across the tropical Indo-Pacific

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