John Gilbert, Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Computer science
Philip Gilbert, Emeritus Professor
California State University, Northridge
Computer Science
Seth Lewis GILBERT, Associate Professor
National University of Singapore
Department of Computer Science
Niv yehuda Gilboa, Senior Lecturer
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Computer Science
Daniel Gildea, Assistant Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Computer Science
A. Michael Gildersleeve, Instructor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Computer Science
Brian Gilding, Associate Professor
Kuwait University
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
C. Lee Giles, Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
J. Scott Gilkeson, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Computer Science
Northeastern University
Department of Computer and information Science
Christopher D. Gill, Assistant Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
James T. Gill, Assistant Professor
Saint Louis University
Deparment of Mathematics and Mathematical Computer Science
Phillipa Gill, Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Computer Science
Paul Gillard, Professor
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Department of Computer Science
Tyler Gillen, Adjunct Instructor
Marquette University
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science