A research faculty position (assistant research professor) is now available in the field of space plasma physics at Auburn University, with an expected starting date in March, 2025 or earlier. Interested candidates should send application materials including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research, and the names and contact information of three professional references. The contact persons for this position application is Prof. Xueyi Wang (
This position is focused on understanding the physics of plasma waves, wave-particle interaction, and their global consequences in the Earth’s magnetosphere using our existing ANGIE3D and GCPIC simulation codes. Experience in kinetic simulations and/or observation data analysis is highly desirable.
At the College of Sciences and Mathematics, we value the land grant missions of the university. We are committed to broadening access to higher education in order to cultivate culturally competent professionals. The Department of Physics offers a collegial and collaborative professional environment. Additional information about the Department of Physics is available at:
http://www.physics.auburn.edu. Auburn University is understanding of and sensitive to the family needs of faculty, including dual-career couples. Please visit the following link for more information on Auburn’s guidelines:
http://www.auburn.edu/academic/provost/pdf/guidelines-dual-career-services.pdf. For information about the Auburn community please visit:
http://www.auburn.edu/academic/provost/facultyjobs/ .