About This Department

Department: Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology
Insitution: University of New South Wales
  Sydney, NSW

UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities – our dynamic and vibrant campus boasts a strong sense of community and inclusion.

UNSW Sydney is home to the world’s leading team in silicon quantum computing and the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology. CQC2T’s research has seen the creation of a new company, Silicon Quantum Computing Pty Ltd, in an $83 million venture backed by the Australian and New South Wales governments, Commonwealth Bank Australia, Telstra Corporation and UNSW Sydney.

SQC’s mission is to build a 10-qubit prototype quantum computer in silicon. The company is seeking more than 20 researchers, engineers and technicians from industry and academia to accelerate the commercialisation of our world-leading research in silicon quantum electronics, and will ultimately grow to a team of 40+.