Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Frederic Chedin

  • Professor
  • Frederic Chedin
  • Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • https://biology.ucdavis.edu/faculty/academic-department-dire...
  • University of California, Davis
  • 1 Shields Ave
    Davis, California 95616
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • R-loop biology in mammals
    I am focused on understanding the formation, function, and resolution of R-loop structures, a class of non-B DNA structures formed upon the annealing of an RNA strand to one strand of the DNA duplex. Genome-wide mapping data from my laboratory established that R-loop structures are the most abundant non-B DNA structures in mammalian genomes and suggests that they represent a novel type of cis-acting DNA element. Our main research themes are:

    Developing and improving genomics technologies to map R-loop formation.
    Analyzing the relationship between R-loop structures and chromatin states.
    Understanding the mechanisms by which R-loops are formed, sensed, and dynamically resolved.
    Elucidating how dysfunctions in R-loop metabolism is linked to human diseases, in particular, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.

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