Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Andre C. Barato

  • Assistant Professor
  • Andre C. Barato
  • Department of Physics
  • http://www.phys.uh.edu
  • University of Houston
  • 214 Science and Research Building 1
    Room 617 SR1
    Houston, Texas 77204-5008
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Andre C. Barato’s main research focus is on stochastic thermodynamics. This theoretical framework generalizes standard thermodynamics to small systems with large fluctuations that can be arbitrarily far from equilibrium. A key conceptual element is the definition of entropy (heat and work) at the level of a single stochastic trajectory. The main result of the field is the fluctuation theorem that constrains the probability distribution of this fluctuating entropy, implying a generalization of the second law of thermodynamics. Stochastic thermodynamics applies to, inter alia, small biological systems, single molecules, small electronic systems such as quantum dots, and colloidal particles. He has a particular interest in uncovering universal relations that constrain fluctuations in nonequilibrium systems and in applications related to biophysics.

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