Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Sambuddha Banerjee

  • Assistant Professor
  • Sambuddha Banerjee
  • Department of Chemistry
  • http://www.ecu.edu/chem/
  • East Carolina University
  • 300 Science and Technology Building
    Greenville, North Carolina 27858
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • I am interested in exploring the role of transition metal ions in various biological systems, with an emphasis on protein-metal ions interactions. I am also interested in determining the electrochemical properties of proteins, containing redox active metal centers (Hemoglobin, myoglobin, Hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex etc.) using spectroelectrochemical technique. The Banerjee lab at ECU is working on a small molecule project and a protein project. The small molecule project is working on organic synthesis of siderophore-drug conjugates and their utilization in a Trojan Horse approach by multi-drug resistant bacteria. The protein project is working on characterizing the proposed Fet3p-Ftr1p type Fe2+ uptake system in Gram negative bacteria.

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