Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Nairmen Mina

  • Professor
  • Nairmen Mina
  • Department of Chemistry
  • http://www.uprm.edu/p/chemistry/faculty
  • University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
  • PR-108
    Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00682
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Current research interests are the study of chemical systems with high energy density to obtain information about molecular structure, vibrational energy levels, reactivity and dynamics. The studies yield information on the systems and how they interact with surfaces and chemical environments. This information is critical for the development of new chemical sensors, instrumentation and techniques needed for the characterization and identification of traces and particles of the systems. The techniques used include FT-IR with accessories for imaging and surface techniques, Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS), GC-IMS, and computational methods. In addition, as Co-PI of the Chemical Imaging Center (TSA, PRIDCo) and the Center for Chemical Sensor Development (DoD-MURI-UPRM) our research group has access to Raman spectroscopy, TEEM-GC-MS, modern imaging techniques, Near-field Scanning Optical microscopy (NSOM), X-PS, AFM, and STM.


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