Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Ralph Allen

  • Professor
  • Ralph Allen
  • Department of Environmental Sciences
  • http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/index.shtml
  • University of Virginia
  • PO Box 400123
    291 McCormick Rd
    Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4123
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Span several areas where modern trace analytical techniques can be applied to solve environmental, forensic, and archaeological problems. Our studies on the trace elements in Nile River sediments have shown that the mineral fragments reflect the relative contributions from different geological drainage basins. Over the years these relative contributions have changed, providing a means of characterizing the sediments from different time periods. This has enhanced our knowledge of ancient climates and landforms. As Director of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, I am responsible for managing hazardous and radioactive wastes for the University of Virginia. This, combined with my interest in the migration of trace materials in geological processes, makes the study of the burial of wastes a natural extension of my interests

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