Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Alexander Bukhgeym

  • Professor
  • Alexander Bukhgeym
  • Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  • http://www.math.wichita.edu/
  • Wichita State University
  • Box 33
    Wichita, Kansas 67260-0033
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Bukhgeym research interests lie in the area of inverse problems and integral geometry. In inverse problems one tries to reconstruct the causes that yield some observable quantities. Example: the cause for the orbits of the planets to be elliptical is Newton's universal gravitation law. If a mathematical model is given by a partial differential equation with some initial and/or boundary conditions and has only one solution, then the complementary traces of this solution on the boundary bring us the information about coefficients of this equation, or its right hand side, or initial conditions, etc. These coefficients or the right hand side or the initial conditions can be considered as the reason that causes corresponding observable traces. Integral geometry (tomography) problems consist in determining some function or more generally vector or tensor field on a manifold given its integrals over a prescribed family of submanifolds. Here the cause is a tensor field that yields corresponding integrals over submanifolds. Such kind of inverse problems arise in geophysical exploration, material testing, medical imaging, etc.

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