Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Leah Shriver

  • Assistant Professor
  • Leah Shriver
  • Department of Chemistry
  • http://www.chemistry.uakron.edu/
  • University of Akron
  • 190 East Buchtel COmmons
    Akron, Ohio 44325-3601
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research group focuses on utilizing novel technologies to develop new therapeutics and diagnostics for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. The development of mutli-functional drugs, i.e. theranostics, allows simultaneous imaging of tissue pathology coupled with treatment, increasing efficacy and reducing toxicity. To this end, my group uses mass spectrometry-based metabolomics, molecular imaging, and viral nanoparticles to identify and target cellular pathways that are involved in disease pathogenesis

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