Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Imad Ahmad Barghouthi

  • Professor
  • Imad Ahmad Barghouthi
  • Department of Physics
  • http://www.alquds.edu/faculties/science/index.php?page=facul...
  • Al-Quds University
  • Abdel Hamaid Shoman Street,
    P.O. Box 51000
    Beit Hanina Jerusalem
  • Contact by e-mail?

  • Space plasma physics (wave-particle-interactions, Coulomb collisions in space plasma, and plasma transport theory).
    Ionospheric physics (polar wind, high latitude F-region, auroral region, and ion velocity distribution and its moments).
    Monte Carlo methods.
    Nuclear and particle physics theory (nuclear reactions, scattering theory, and electro-weak theory).
    Scientific literacy.
    Science curriculum for the gifted and talented students.
    Islam and science

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