Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Bernhard Pracejus

  • Associate Professor
  • Bernhard Pracejus
  • Department of Earth Sciences
  • http://www.squ.edu.om/sci/Earth/indix.html
  • Sultan Qaboos University
  • PO Box 36
    Muscat Muscat 123
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • From Ocean Floor to Continent: Mineralogical and geochemical alteration of geologic bodies over time on the example of marine metal deposits (in particular: massive sulfides and manganese oxides).
    Environmentally friendly remediation of mining/industry wastes contaminated by heavy metals and cyanides (from gold extraction) through biomineralisation and biodegradation to reduce environmental toxicity.
    Optimised bioleaching and enrichment of heavy metals and gold from mine wastes. Co-operation with the (mining) industry and other scientific institutions is an integral part of the research work. Currently, ore and rock microscopy, SEM and geochemical microanalysis (EDS), XRD, Photometer, AAS, thermodynamic modelling, and GIS are the main research tools

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