Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Solomon Buckman

  • Lecturer
  • Solomon Buckman
  • School of Earth & Environmental Science
  • http://www.uow.edu.au/science/eesc/
  • University of Wollongong
  • Wollongong
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  • Continental growth mechanisms and the tectonic setting of mineral deposits
    New England and Lachlan orogens - tectonic and metallogenic evolution of accreted island arc complexes including the Macquarie Arc (Lachlan Fold Belt) and the Gamilaroi and Gympie terranes in the New England Orogen. See – Aitchison and Buckman. 2012. Accordion vs. quantum tectonics: Insights into continental growth processes from the Paleozoic of eastern Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 22, 674–680. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2012.05.013
    China and Central Asia - the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of the Eruasian continent
    Neotectonics, geomorphology and intraplate deformation - the Tian Shan in Central Asia and the Mt Lofty/Flinders Ranges, South Australia
    Palaeofire records and sedimentation in bogs and alluvial fans
    Geological application of remote sensing techniques (ASTER, LIDAR, hyperspectral) to the indentification of alteration minerals and subtle neotectonic geomorphological features

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