Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Matakite Maata

  • Lecturer
  • Matakite Maata
  • School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
  • http://sbces.fste.usp.ac.fj/index.php?id=4732
  • University of the South Pacific
  • Laucala Campus
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  • Marine pollution.Of particular interest are nutrients and trace metals arising from pollution sources like sewage outfalls, industrial effluents, etc. There is also developing interest on antifouling paints, especially the antifouling agent, tributyltin (TBT) and its deleterious impact on the non-target molluscan species.
    Lead pollution.The levels of this contaminant are being measured in road side dust, house dust and soil samples. The lead in these samples are believed to originate from leaded fuel and paints.
    Ozone measurement.This project allows the measurement of surface O3 using ozonesondes as well as the level in the troposphere.
    Methane measurement.This is currently done in NZ with the air samples collected from Suva. The instrument for measuring this gas in the Chemistry Department is being considered

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