Research in our group is directed towards understanding the macrmolecular interactions important to infectious agents and how to counter their activity. One project involves carbohydrate binding lectins, their interaction with viral coat glycoproteins, and their development as antiviral entry inhibitors. Another project centers on the essential bacterial enzyme Pth1 and the ability to inhibit peptidyl-tRNA cleavage in antibiotic development. A third project involves structure/function characterization of BcSnod virulence factors from the fungi Botrytis cinerea and discovery of antifungal lead compounds. To varying degrees, these projects utillize Pattern Specific Aromatic Labeling (PSAL) methodology developed in the lab. My group is most interested in understanding pathogenic phenomena at the molecular level. Specific projects are founded on biochemical, biophysical, and structural characterization of the macromolecules governing these processes.