My research interests are: 1) Synthesis, characterization, and application of novel monomeric and polymeric chiral and achiral surfactants as pseudostationary phases for separation of chiral and achiral molecules using capillary electrophoresis (CE), a separation science technique; 2) Method development for real life experiments, e.g., quantification of chemicals (drugs and their metabolites) in body fluids, plants, and environment (PAHs, PCBs, explosive residuals); 3) Investigation of partitioning mechanisms between pseudostationary phases and analytes using linear salvation energy relationships (LSER) model; 4) Surfactant-modified single (SWNT) and multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) as pseudostationary phases in capillary electrophoresis; and 5) Separation of carbon nanotubes using capillary electrophoresis (CE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).