Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Andrew Breckenridge

  • Professor
  • Andrew Breckenridge
  • Department of Natural Sciences
  • https://www.uwsuper.edu/acaddept/naturalsciences/directory/i...
  • University of Wisconsin, Superior
  • Belknap St. and, Catlin Ave
    Superior, Wisconsin 54880
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Breckenridge’s teaching and research interests cover the areas of sedimentology, stratigraphy, global climate change, glacial geology, and the study of the Earth's landforms. He is fascinated by lake sediments because they provide a window into the past through which people can see how landscapes and climate have changed. These are his current research areas:

    the history of Lake Superior over the last 13,000 years
    understanding the nature of the drainage of Lake Agassiz, which may have initiated multiple abrupt climatic cooling events
    mapping landslides caused by an incredible flood that occurred on June 10, 2012 to understand factors that lead to slope failure
    developing techniques to use lake sediments to reconstruct barrenground caribou populations over thousand-year time scales

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