Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Catherine R. Edwards

  • Associate Professor
  • Catherine R. Edwards
  • Department of Marine Sciences
  • https://mars.franklin.uga.edu/directory/all?_gl=1*m6sscc*_ga...
  • University of Georgia
  • 325 Sanford Drive
    Athens, Georgia 30602
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Edwards’s research focuses on the physical oceanography of the continental margins, where shelf-scale processes can have complicated interactions with topography and stratification at the nearshore boundary as well as the shelfbreak. Her current work takes a joint observational/modeling approach to describing the response of the coastal ocean to near-resonant forcing by sea breeze and land breeze near the critical latitude for diurnal/inertial resonance. Heating and cooling of shelf water also induce significant diurnal and supertidal variability in the coastal ocean, but the importance of air-sea interaction and subsynoptic meteorological variability is often neglected for circulation and ecosystem modeling on a regional scale. This higher frequency variability in the ocean and atmosphere (and associated mixing) has important implications for larval transport, nutrient budgets, and the larger coastal ecosystem.

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