Air Quality Forecasting applications: The primary objectives of this research interest are: a) to establish real time Air Quality Forecasting system for Houston (AQF-Houston) to forecast O3 and aerosols, b) to archive simulated trace gases and aerosols; c) to analyze the forecasting performance compared to the archived in-situ aircraft and/or ground measurements; d) to investigate the relationship between air pollution and human health, and e) to further design an optimized air pollution regulation to mitigate the loss by medical costs and reduced efficiency in working.
Regional Chemical Transport Modeling applications: Multi-year trends in tropospheric O3 and aerosols are the results of both inter-annual variations of meteorological conditions by climate change and their precursors emission changes. The goals of this research interest are: a) to design a reasonable approach to identify the climate change impact on chemical environment, b) to quantify the contributions of anthropogenic and natural sources (e.g., biogenic. soil, and lightning sources) on chemical and radiative tracers, and c) to determine how aerosol-load changes affects the lightning activity over the last two decades.
Remote Sensing applications: Utilizing the data form satellite measurements is crucial for establishing a long-term monitoring system of the Earth. We are targeting these atmospheric remote sensing data: 1) OMI, 2) GOME-2, 3) TES, 4) MLS, 5) MODIS, 6) MISR, 7) MOPITT, and 7) NOAA-16. These remote sensing data will be used to investigate the impacts of cloud convection, lightning activity, biogenic change, air pollution regulation, energy resource change, ocean/atmospheric phenomena (e.g., IOD, El Nino, and monsoon) and extreme weather (e.g., heat waves, typhoons, and hurricanes) on air pollution and atmospheric environment.