Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Yves Idzerda

  • Professor
  • Head
  • Yves Idzerda
  • Department of Physics
  • http://physics.montana.edu/
  • Montana State University
  • 264 EPS Building
    POB 173840
    Bozeman, Montana 59717
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Professor Idzerda is currently interested in the physics of reduced dimensionality systems, especially in their interfacial and nanostructured behavior in the oxide materials including half-metallic ferromagnets, multi-ferroics, and components of solid oxide fuel cells.HIs interests include research on ultra-thin film and interface magnetism of itinerant electron magnetic systems and in novel characterization techniques that have strong magnetic contrast. Part of his research includes magnetic nanoparticles and exploiting polarized X-rays to obtain unique knowledge of the behavior of magnetic thin films and surfaces. Some of his research is performed at the Addvanced Light Source (ALS).
    The biophysics interests in Dr Idzerda's group is on the use of protein cages and virus for the encapsulated growth of magnetic nanoparticles for applications in electronics, data storage, imaging agents, and sensors. The work is focused on understanding and utilizing the emergent properties magnetic particles when their dimensionality is reduced to the nanoscale. His group uses soft and hard X-rays from the national synchrotron facilities to investigate these materials.

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