Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Joanne Lobato

  • Professor
  • Joanne Lobato
  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • http://www.math.sdsu.edu/
  • San Diego State University
  • 5500 Campanile Drive
    San Diego, California 92182-7720
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • A major part of my research has involved developing the actor-oriented transfer perspective, which led to an interest in “noticing” from both psychological and socio-cultural perspectives. More recently, I have been motivated by the need for alternative models of videos to be used in learning mathematics online and by the emerging research area of learning vicariously through observing online dialogues. I’ve pursued these interests through empirical studies on the learning and teaching of the following topics at the secondary school level: algebraic reasoning, ratios and proportions, slope and linear functions, quadratic functions, rates of change, and multiplicative reasoning.

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