Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

    Grant. W. Wangila

  • Professor
  • Chair
  • Grant. W. Wangila
  • Department of Chemistry and Physics
  • http://www.uapb.edu/academics/school_of_arts_sciences/chemis...
  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • 1200 University Dr
    Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Directly involved in synthetic of antioxidant complexes that have the ability to alleviate side effects due to chemotherapy and rhabdomyolysis. Some of the complexes synthesized in lab have shown ability to prevent hair loss (Alopecia) caused by anti-cancer drugs. Also, these complexes when used in combination with market products have prolonged the shelf life of the organ allografts. The lab is also involved in synthesis of nanostructure-assisted photo-electrochemical water splitting for hydrogen and oxygen production with direct applicability with the NASA space mission. The new frontier is synthesizing of cellulose nano-materials from the forest for applications in photonics. These meta-materials are artificial synthesized with the state of the art engineering by reacting cellulose with metals producing the products, which have remarkable properties like optical activity.

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