M.G.H.Zaidi is Professor and Head at Department of Chemistry, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar India. He has conferred all through first class Bachelor of Science (1985), Master of Science in Physical Chemistry (1987) and Doctorate in Chemistry (1992) from Lucknow University, India. He has been in academics, research and administration over 25 years. His research activities cover supercritical fluid assisted synthesis and modification of polymer materials for applications in energy storage, building components, organic semiconductors, biomedical implants, drug deliver systems and agriculture. His area includes durability assessment of polymer materials under mechanical, thermal, electrochemical and microbial environments. He has established collaborations with national & International laboratories for development of advanced research methods in polymer chemistry using cutting edge technologies. His academic contributions has been acclaimed worldwide by researchers and are cited in top scientific journals across the world. He is the member of editorial and reviewer of reputed international journals. He has advised more than 40 masters, doctorates, and project fellows. He has four patents and more over 90 publications in international journals, proceedings, monographs, technical articles & book chapters.